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Getting Started

» 1. Just signed up:

You should receive a total of two emails after placing an order with eMegaWeb Hosting.  The first email should arrive immediately after entering your credit card information on our billing page.  This email is a payment receipt for your records.  The next email will contain crucial information (control panel access, FTP information, name server information, etc.).  This email will come as soon as we process and verify your order.  Once you receive the second message, your account is active on our servers.

» 2.  Domain Names -- New or Transferred:

In order to operate correctly with eMegaWeb, you need to update your domain registration to show a change in the domain name servers (DNS) to the name servers listed in the welcome message.  Before you can begin using many of eMegaWeb's services (ex: Email, Front-Page, web site, stats, and so on), your domain name must point to our DNS.  This may take some time depending on how long it takes internet service providers around the globe to refresh their DNS information.  This usually takes approximately 24-48 hours.  You can, however, begin uploading files to your account immediately.  You can also preview your site before the domain propagation completes.  Once your domain is configured properly and the changes have propagated, your files will appear when you enter your domain name in your browser.

» 3.  You're just about set!

Now you can begin uploading files to your web site.  There are two different methods of uploading your files. The first method is FTP.  You will need to use a FTP client to transfer your files to our server.  There are many great programs you can use to FTP.  We recommend using FileZilla.  FileZilla is a fast and reliable FTP client and server with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface.  FileZilla can be downloaded at the following address: http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/

You can also use Microsoft Front-Page to upload your files to your site.  If you use Front-Page, you can take advantage of Front-Page extensions.  You will need the following information to login to your account:

Server: http://www.<yourdomainname.com>
Username specified in the order form
Password: Password specified in the order form

Once you are logged into your FTP account, you will see a batch of folders.  All of your files should go into the httpdocs folder.  All CGI-scripts must go into the CGI-bin directory.

» 4.  Anything else?

If you need assistance with anything else, please feel free to contact a technical support representative.  We're always ready and available with answers to your questions and quick solutions to your problems.